Cat Vet in North Little Rock

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Welcome to our "Cat Corner" at Somers Avenue Animal Clinic!

Cats are unique creatures with their own set of behaviors, health needs, and care requirements. That’s why we’ve created Cat Corner, a section of our website dedicated exclusively for the wellbeing of your feline friends.

Cats often have a reputation for being low-maintenance pets that thrive on independence. However, they require specific enrichment and engagement to lead happy, healthy lives.

Tips for a Stress-Free Vet Visit

Getting your cat to come and see us doesn’t have to be a struggle. Here are some tips to make the experience more pleasant for both of you:

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Preventive Care for Cats

A prevalent myth about cat care is that they don’t require regular vet visits or ongoing care. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Cats need annual wellness exams, vaccinations, parasite control, and other routine care just like any other pet. Just like humans, cats need regular check-ups and health maintenance to stay healthy. Here are some important aspects of care for cats:

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Environmental Enrichment for Cats: Enhancing Health and Happiness

Environmental enrichment is essential for maintaining the physical and emotional well-being of indoor cats. This approach aims to mimic natural behaviors and provide a stimulating environment that prevents boredom and stress, often leading to a healthier and more contented pet. By understanding and implementing various enrichment strategies, cat owners can significantly improve their feline friends' quality of life.

Food Puzzles

Food puzzles are an excellent way to stimulate your cat's brain and mimic the challenge of hunting in the wild. These puzzles require cats to work for their food, engaging their problem-solving skills and reducing the risk of obesity by slowing down their eating pace. From simple treat balls to more complex puzzle feeders, the variety available ensures that every cat can find a challenge that suits them.

Nighttime Feeding

Cats are naturally crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. Adjusting your feeding schedule to match these times can satisfy their instinctual urges, providing a more natural and enriching feeding routine. Nighttime feeding, especially, can help reduce nocturnal restlessness and mimic their ancestral hunting patterns.

Catering to Instincts

Incorporating activities that cater to a cat's natural instincts is a key to their happiness! This includes providing opportunities for climbing, scratching, hiding, and hunting. Engaging in these activities not only ensures your cat stays physically active but also mentally stimulated, lowering the chances of stress-induced behaviors.


Catios, or cat patios, offer the perfect solution for allowing indoor cats to safely explore the outdoors. These enclosed spaces provide a secure environment where your cat can enjoy fresh air, sunshine, and the sights and sounds of nature without the risks associated with roaming freely.

Special Feline Toys

Interactive and novel toys can significantly enhance your cat's environment. Toys that mimic the movement of prey, such as laser pointers or motorized mice, can provide hours of entertainment and exercise. Rotating toys regularly can keep your cat's interest peaked and prevent boredom.

Climbing Shelves

Cats love to climb and explore from high vantage points. Installing climbing shelves or cat trees in your home can provide your feline with a sense of security and territory, all while keeping them physically active. These installations can range from simple shelves to elaborate wall-mounted structures, offering something for every space and budget.


Pheromone products can play a significant role in creating a calming environment for your cat. These products mimic the natural pheromones cats produce, promoting a sense of comfort and security. They can be especially beneficial in multi-cat households, reducing tension and encouraging peaceful coexistence.

The Importance of Keeping Them Stimulated

A stimulated cat is a happy and healthy cat. Environmental enrichment addresses the physical, mental, and emotional needs of felines, preventing a wide range of health and behavior issues. By investing time and resources into enriching your cat’s environment, you’re not only enhancing their well-being but also strengthening the bond between you and your pet.

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Implementing these strategies can make a significant difference in your cat’s life, promoting a balanced, joyful, and healthy lifestyle. Remember, the best enrichment plan is one that evolves with your cat’s changing needs and preferences, ensuring they remain engaged and content throughout their lives.

Caring for cats requires knowledge, empathy, and a comprehensive approach to their health and happiness. Visit us and discover why Somers Avenue Animal Clinic is the perfect place for your fantastic feline.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Unique Care for Cats

Caring for a cat involves much more than providing them with love and cozy corners to nap in. Unique aspects of feline care often go overlooked, even by experienced pet owners. To ensure your cat enjoys a long, healthy, and fulfilling life, it's crucial to understand and implement specific care routines tailored to their needs. In this section, we'll address some frequently asked questions about unique cat care practices that are essential for every cat owner to know.

Many cat owners believe that indoor cats are not at risk of heartworm disease, a misconception that could have fatal consequences. Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes, which can easily enter homes, putting indoor cats at risk too. Since there is no approved treatment for heartworm infection in cats and the disease can be fatal, prevention with medication is critical, even for cats that do not venture outdoors.

Sudden changes in litter box habits can be a sign of underlying medical or behavioral issues and should not be ignored. Make sure your cat’s litter box is clean and easily accessible, schedule a check-up with your veterinarian to rule out any health concerns, and consider environmental stressors that may be causing the change in behavior.

Cats are naturally curious and benefit from a rotating array of toys to keep them mentally stimulated and physically active. Aim to introduce new toys or rotate existing ones every few weeks. Pay attention to your cat’s interests; some may prefer more frequent changes to maintain engagement.

Yes, dental care is essential for cats. Regular brushing can prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar, reducing the risk of dental disease, which is common and can be serious in cats. Start slowly and use toothpaste specially designed for cats. If brushing is not possible, consult your vet about dental diets and treats that help clean teeth.

Introducing a new cat to a household with existing cats requires patience and careful planning. Start by isolating the new cat in a separate room with its own food, water, and litter box. Gradually introduce the cats to each other’s scents before allowing supervised face-to-face interactions. This can take weeks and should not be rushed to ensure a smooth transition and reduce stress for all cats involved.

Understanding the unique aspects of cat care can greatly enhance your cat’s quality of life and help prevent health issues before they arise. Always consult with your veterinarian for personalized advice tailored to your cat’s specific needs and health status.